
Article | 5 min |
Practices that reduce your spending and save you money The steps mentioned below are designed to help you create a financial plan and provide access to helpful resources during these times. Create a Budget Making and sticking to a budget is key to handling money and financial planning during tough times. It helps you to get a handle on debt and spending. Until you get a realistic picture of how much money you’re bringing in and where it’s going, it’s difficult to know whether you’ll have enough left over to put away. Getting started can be the hardest part, especially if your finances feel out...
Article | 4 min |
You want your home to be as comfortable, efficient and as beautiful as it can be. However, deciding which home improvement projects or upgrades to invest in can be confusing. The following home upgrades will help you save money in the long run. Focus on the Front Curb appeal is important to your home’s value and you should continually invest in it, not only for your own enjoyment but also for when it comes time to sell. A well-manicured lawn and landscaping will appeal to buyers. And yet curb appeal isn’t just about the grass and plants but also the house itself. By updating your lackluster...
Article | 5 min |
When the sweltering heat of summer hits its peak, you’ll be tempted to run your air conditioning nonstop. Doing so causes your electricity bill to skyrocket, unfortunately. Unless you want your bank account to drain all season, follow these techniques to save energy while staying cool this summer. Use Fans Although fans don’t actually lower the temperature of a room, they do make you feel cooler by blowing air over your skin. Take advantage of the ceiling fans in your house and use those instead of the air conditioning. Alaina Wibberly of Smart Energy explains, “A good fan will allow you to...
Article | 5 min |
Is it better to buy new or renovate your current home? Sometimes it’s hard not to be tempted by the greener grass of a new home, especially if your home isn’t exactly how you want it to look or function. But the idea of putting your house on the market and leaving your beloved neighborhood behind breaks your heart. You’re at a real estate crossroads — something has to change, but is it better to buy a new house or renovate your current address? New House Benefits A new house can be the answer to your current home’s woes. Perhaps you need more space for your growing family or less square...
Article | 5 min |
Tips to start your first mortgage on the right foot Home ownership is an exciting achievement, but it’s also a huge responsibility. Entering into home ownership when you’re ready is more important than doing so right away. Starting off on the right foot can positively impact future home-buying opportunities, while rushing into a situation you’re unprepared for can limit your options down the road. Make sure you have a clear, accurate idea of your budget before you buy your first house to confirm that you’re ready for the biggest purchase of your life. Calculate Your Available Income Your first...